Adam Twardowski , born on in 1990 in Warsaw. His father is an outstanding composer, and his mother, the editor-in-chief of the publishing house, quickly noticed that his son's perceptual abilities exceed his peers. The Universe was very fascinating for him, at the age of 9 Adam spent hours sat in the world of quantum physics, thanks to which he wanted to understand the geometry of the world and nature, in order to present the most modest detail. Delighted by the taste of light and work with the painting, he stopped time in photography. Initially, the artist was educated at the European Academy of Photography, but during a difficult family situation and separation of parents and bankruptcy of the university, Adam fails to finish school. After a year of absence, the Photographer becomes a graduate with a diploma at the Academy of Photography with great recognition under the guidance of Paweł Bownik, Szymon Scześniak and Jakub Hajduk. Inspired by the old Summer culture based on it, Adam creates new paintings with a completely different look and craftsmanship from artists of his time, characterized by a light line and a sense of sharp line accentuating its delicate ending. In unusual circumstances, young Adam notices that not only people are looking at his ideas and ideas. In 2012, Adam receives an extraordinary, unique secret knowledge, which changes it forever. Thanks to this great knowledge, he creates his first unique work, which is a reflection of his own soul. Its cognitive spectrum is not only focused in photography, talent underlines a great knowledge of modern and unusual technological solutions in the field of architecture, medicine, biotechnology of quantum and unconventional physics. His creative work distinguishes several creative periods. The first period of the White period is the artist's very early work for the period 2009-2012. The name comes from the dominant color in Adam's works - the color of purity, bright light, and elevated elements. This coloring harmonizes with the theme of the paintings of this period, which oscillates around the lofty form and geometry of concepts, which makes Adam the original father of this trend of art. The next stage of the artist's work is the period of Błękitny (2012-present), revealing his sensitivity to the surrounding world, as well as the extraordinary ability to see details that are the key to understanding the three fundamental ideas of his creativity, visual (photography), spiritual (graphic), mathematical (architecture). Design is his wealth of ideas, it is distinguished by a slender, organic shape, as simple as a liquid sculpture. The main element of the AnDesign architecture is the lack of any edges. His ideas can be found in everyday things.